Cowbridge Food – Price Watch
There is a great deal of competition in Cowbridge between supermarkets and convenience stores resulting in a constant stream of ‘special’ promotions, including branded products.
However, it’s not practical to expect shoppers to visit each store to check for the best deal every time they are in town. Even with store newsletters and mail shots it is time consuming to try and make direct comparisons.
To help shoppers keep up to date on such deals, Cowbridge Food has launched Price Watch. A ‘digital grapevine’ using social media to highlight deals and competitive prices 24/7. To enable a quick pre-shop check we have also provided the links to the special offer pages of these stores.
Cowbridge Food will also be promoting the latest products and services available from the local delicatessen, butcher, grocer and chocolatier.
We have a dedicated twitter feed, (@Cowbridge_Food) see opposite, so please follow and start helping local shoppers, including yourselves, find the best deals in town.
Share your best deals
We welcome updates from Cowbridge shoppers when they come across a competitive price for a food product and if they do not have access to social media they can use the form below. We will try to publish these on the Cowbridge Food Twitter feed as soon as possible.
Please include name of the shop, date and product details.