Books in Cowbridge

Books and Stationery

Cowbridge has the good fortune of having two bookshops, one for new books and the other specialising in secondhand and rare books. Each offers book loving visitors hours of browsing favourite subjects and authors in a traditional bookshop setting. The secondhand bookshop is an alladin’s cave for those who just love books and the search for a particular title is an experience in itself. Visitors seeking a card for a birthday or other special occasion will be pleasantly surprised by the choice available and sometimes in places they would not expect. Of course it would be unfair to name names but just keep looking or asking the next time you visit.

High Rise Books

High Rise Books

High Rise
41a High Street
Secondhand and rare books.

The Beehive

The Beehive

The Beehive
5 Verity’s Court
(Access through lane between Arthur John’s shops)

W G Davies

W G Davies

W G Davies
38 High Street

W H Smith

W H Smith

W H Smith
20 High Street
Books and stationery.

Cowbridge Bookshop

Cowbridge Bookshop

Cowbridge Book Shop
72 Eastgate